A day in the life

Hi this is a post about my daily life!

  1. I wake up in the morning at about 6:20
  2. The first thing I do in the morning is go to the bathroom and brush my teeth
  3. The next thing I do is my makeup
  4. At around 6:45 I get dressed
  5. Finally, I do my hair at 6:50
  6. Then, I go downstairs, check my phone, and eat breakfast
  7. I leave the house at 7:10 to drive to school
  8. I talk to some friends before school starts then I go to first period
  9. Second period starts at 9:35 and I have an elective class
  10. Third period is always very boring and starts at around 10:40
  11. Fourth period I have another elective class that is very fun
  12. Fifth period I have math so it is usually seems pretty long
  13. After fifth period I go to lunch at 1:00 and I usually get the school food sandwich, with a bag of chips and some sort of fruit.
  14. My last class is sixth period and I have history and it can sometimes be fun
  15. After school ends at 2:30 I go outside and ride the bus home
  16. Once I get home at about 3:00 I get a snack, pretzels, smoothie, whatever food we have, and relax for about 30 minutes
  17. After that I will sometimes go workout or go outside depending if I have a sport going on
  18. At about 5:00 I help cook dinner and eat at around 6:00
  19. After dinner I usually go up to my room and do any homework or clean my room
  20. When I am done with that I will sometimes go downstairs and watch a movie until about 9:00
  21. After that I will go get ready for bed
  22. First I shower, get into pajamas, then I brush my teeth
  23. At about 9:25 I’ll read a book or just lie in bed
  24. Thats the end of my day!

Free write!

Hi this is my free-write! Today school has been pretty boring. I had to take an english test and later today I have a math test. I had a pretty good weekend though. I finally got to go and hangout with my old friends that I haven’t seen in a long time. It was tons of fun. I also went to Savers, got my hair cut, and then I went and got ice cream. I got to relax and I got my room nice and clean. I didn’t really like the virtual Friday though because my teachers assigned way to much work. Today I am pretty tired, I think school starts way too early. I can’t wait for summer when it’s not so cold outside!